
Spark machine tool electro discharge machining concept and origin

Spark machine tool electro discharge machining concept and origin

The Soviet union scholars raza even families couple research invented electric spark machining, and then with the pulse power supply and control system improvement, and rapidly. First use of pulse power supply is a simple resistance capacitance loop. At the beginning of s, improvement for resistance, inductance and capacitance loop. At the same time, but also USES the pulse generator and so on the long pulse power, removal in improving efficiency, tool electrode relative losses.

Then there was high power tube, thyratron and high frequency pulse power, drill edmin the same surface roughness under the condition of productivity can be improved. In the middle of the s, the emergence of a transistor and thyristor pulse power supply, improve the energy utilization efficiency and reduce the tool electrode loss, and enlarge the rough machining adjustable range.

For electric spark machining, the tool electrode and workpiece respectively after pulse power poles, and dip work fluid, or will work fluid filling the discharge gap. Through the gap to be automatic control system control tool electrode to the workpiece feed, when two interelectrode gap to a certain distance, two electrode applied pulse voltage will work fluid breakdown, produce the spark discharge.

Discharge of the micro channel instantaneous focus a lot of heat, the temperature can be as high as ten thousand degrees Celsius above, pressure also has a sharp change, so as to make it work surface local trace metal material immediately melting, gasification, and explosive to splash into a working fluid, rapid condensation, forming a solid metal particles, was working fluid away. Then in the workpiece surface will leave a small pit trace, discharge short rest, two electrodes operating fluid recovery insulation condition.

Then, a pulse voltage and in two electrode relatively close to another point place breakdown, produce the spark discharge, and repeat the process. So, although each pulse discharge amount of metal removal in few, but because there are thousands of times per second pulse discharge process, you can removal in more metal, has certain productivity.

With the development of industrial production and the progress of science and technology, has the high melting point, high hardness, high strength, high brittleness, high viscosity and high purity and performance of new materials appear constantly. With all kinds of complicated structure and special process requirements of the workpiece is more and more, this makes the traditional machining method can't processing or difficult to processing. Therefore, people in addition to further develop and perfect mechanical processing method, but also to seek for the new processing method. Electrical discharge machining method can adapt to the needs of the development of production, and in the application of shows a lot of outstanding performance, therefore, obtained the rapid development and wide application.

